Ohio Valley Educational Service Center Governing Board – April 7, 2022, 1:00 p.m.

In accordance with H.B. 51, R.C. 121.22, R.C. 3313.16, and applicable laws; the Treasurer of the Ohio Valley Educational Service Center Governing Board (“Governing Board”) hereby serves the instant written notice that a special emergency video conference meeting of the Board is called for the purpose of considering at least two (2) quotes from qualified vendors as submitted by the Superintendent to permanently repair and improve the roof to the School Building and present such quotes to the Governing Board for consideration pursuant to the March 24, 2022 Resolution Dispensing With Statutory And Policy Procedures on April 7, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. All employees, public officials, and members of the Governing Board shall attend this meeting via video conference only and the Board shall live-stream the meeting at to ensure that the public can observe, when applicable, and hear the discussions and deliberations of all the members of the public body. The Governing Board shall take formal action in open session on the purpose set forth in the instant special emergency meeting notice. There shall be no public participation at this special emergency meeting.