Marietta, Ohio – January is School Board Recognition Month, and the Ohio Valley ESC is honoring its board members for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students. This year, the OVESC board proudly welcomed its newest member, Randy Shrider.
“The dedication, commitment, and vision of our school board members shape the future of our schools and students,” said Ohio Valley ESC Superintendent Dalton Summers. “Their focus is always on helping all students succeed in their future endeavors. Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to show our gratitude for all they do.”
School board members serve as a vital link between the community and the classroom, establishing policies that shape the framework for public education. The OVESC board members are Woody Biggs, Robert Burrow, Shelly Hess, Jane Irvine, Trina Jackson, Patrick Lang, Stephen Ogle, Lori Parry, Randy Shrider, Lynn Warner, and Rusty Winland.
“School board members give the community a voice in education decision-making,” Summers added. “While we highlight our appreciation in January, their contributions are a year-round commitment. We would also like to thank the school boards of all our member districts for their dedication and commitment to our students and their communities. Please take a moment to thank our board members for their service and dedication to our district.”