The Ohio Valley Educational Service Center (OVESC) held its Principal Collaborative meeting for grades K-6 on May 11, 2023. The meeting was attended by principals from OVESC’s member districts, as well as OVESC staff members.

The meeting began with a presentation by Supervisor Kalee Gates on OVESC’s gifted services. Gates discussed the different types of gifted services that OVESC offers, as well as the eligibility requirements for those services. She also talked about the importance of identifying and supporting gifted students.

Following Gates’ presentation, Teresa Scheurman gave a presentation on how artificial intelligence (AI) can help principals on a daily basis. Scheurman discussed a number of ways that AI can be used to streamline administrative tasks. She also provided examples of how AI is being used in schools across the country.

The final presentation of the day was given by OVESC Superintendent, Dalton Summers. Summers talked about the importance of principal support for the superintendent. He discussed the different ways that principals can support the superintendent, as well as the benefits of having a strong working relationship between the superintendent and principals. Summers also talked about what the superintendency is all about and what it takes to be a successful superintendent.

The Principal Collaborative meetings are a valuable opportunity for principals to learn about new educational trends and best practices. The meetings also provide a forum for principals to network with each other and share ideas.