SLO Writing Template
- Same document as ODE’s writing template, but better
- Writing & reviewing happen all in one document
- Each of the 25 SLO criteria can be checked “Yes”, “No”, or “N/A” with reviewer comments as the SLO is being reviewed
- “Yes”, “No”, or “N/A” for each criterion is copied to the SLO Template Checklist
- SLO Summary Sheet gives teachers a snapshot of the review
- Teachers know instantly if their SLO is approved or need revising
- If needed, teachers can see exactly which of the seven SLO components need revising
- It’s FREE→ Download it here SLO Writing Template
SLO Template Checklist Companion Document
- Created to be used in conjunction with ODE’s Template Checklist
- Uses teacher-friendly language
- Provides guidance on what to say and how to say to properly address all 25 criteria of the template checklist
- Follows the template checklist by each component
- It’s FREE → Download it here SLO Template Checklist Companion Document
More SLO Resources and Information
SLO Writing
SLO Scoring
SLO Tracking
SLO Processes